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Halloween Sushi Dog Costume

Hello and welcome to my first post! Since Halloween is tommorrow (eek!) and we all know that we aint got time to make complicated costumes or go to shops to spend hours shopping for costumes, I followed a tutorial online of how to make your own sushi dog costume!

Here's the tutorial that I found on pinterest :

My dog Beau d' eau really liked the costume I made (I took 3 hours to make this) and at first it was a bit hard to get on him but I managed!

He thought that this costume is really cozy and he just loved hanging around with it.

Tommorow is Halloween and I;m probably going by myself and my dog and going to visit my friend's houses around my residence! I was going to make a matching sushi t-shirt using transfer paper from LaurDIY but then I didn't have time to make it :(

Anyway, hope you guys enjoy your Halloween tommorrow and I'll see you in the next DIY/ vid update post!

Also, make sure to subscribe to my youtube channel:

I post various DIY videos, lifestyle, home decor, advice, and vlogs on my channel, so be sure to check it out in your free time!


Find inspiration on sites like Pinterest, YouTube and Tumblr. 



Start questioning yourself if you have the materials for the DIY project and if where you live have these materials. (If you want, you can also consider the budget.)



Collect the materials and follow instructions of someone else's or your own. Done!


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